Our commitment to supplying Quality Salt
The PureSalt team has an uncompromising commitment to providing quality salt products every time.
Sadly this is not true for many other suppliers! Unable to provide the responsive and reliable service needed to build customer loyalty, they are forced to cut corners in order to appear cheap. And the easiest way to be cheap is to import poor quality salt from new producers with lower standards.
Every year, numerous emerging producers around the world offer new products into the UK salt market. Unfortunately most of them are using raw salt sources, production equipment and quality control processes, that are simply not up to the standards required to consistently meet UK quality standards.
So at PureSalt our focus is on supplying quality salt products manufactured by the established UK and European producers. While continually monitoring the market for any emerging suppliers who may in time demonstrate the ability to reliably meet similar standards at a lower cost.
Fit for purpose – PureSalt’s 6 tests
With so many diverse salt applications, each customer will have their own priorities that determine which grade and quality of salt is right for them. We have grouped these under 6 headings:
- User application – The starting point for quality control is correctly understanding each customer’s salt requirements. By understanding your salt application, we can determine the appropriate specification.
- Physical properties – Particle size is essential for applications such as crisps (very fine) or brine production (coarse). While problems can arise from poor quality control, for example salt tablets that mush (collapse in water).
- Chemical purity – Each application will have different requirements for chemical purity, with varying consequences if this is not maintained. Purity is often of particular importance in manufacturing and water treatment processes.
- Handling integrity – Salt for human and animal consumption must be both manufactured and handled at every stage to eliminate the risk of contamination (for example by glass or metal). Or to conform to religious dietary codes.
- Product traceability – In order to demonstrate compliance with quality control standards, many food, animal feed and process applications require traceability. This starts with the manufacturer and continues through the supply chain.
- Packaging – The right bag size is important for safe handling. While poorly stacked pallets and poorly designed (floppy) bags can both result in spillages. As can poor bag seals, a particular challenge in dusty salt factories.
Of course price and reliability of supply are also important considerations for most customers!
For more information contact our team of friendly salt experts and we will be pleased to help.